
سوبرمان يحلق فوق سماء مدينة كاليفورنيا وسط صدمة وذهول السكان المحليين ((فيديو))

  سوبرمان في سماء سان دييغو. وسط صدمة وذهول سكان المحليين في مدينة كاليفورنيا.  

تناقلت وسائل الاعلام المحلية خبر يفيد ان سوبرمان الحقيفي يحلق فوق كاليفورنيا

 ثم اكتشفوا انها طائرة سوبرمان

Yes, it IS a plane: A radio-controlled Superman plane is flown by designer Otto Dieffenbach during a test flight in San Diego, California

High in the sky: The Superman-plane baffled locals in the Californian city on Thursday as 'he' took a premiere tour of the skies

No Kryptonite: Styrofoam Superman is powered by a pack of batteries in his head and comes complete with a propeller and a radio control

Above the rooftops: Designer Otto Dieffenbach is a former Air Force test pilot who dedicates his life into making life-size character planes

Saving the world: Designer Otto Dieffenbach prepares to take his latest 'Foamy Flyguy' dressed up as Superman on a test flight

Lightweight hero: The Styrofoam superhero keeps an eye on San Diego from above

Looking for Krypton? Superman passes the moon over San Diego, California on Thursday

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