
عمال صيانة ( يلتقطون صور خلابة + فيديو ) من أعلى قمة برج خليفة !!

جو ماكنالي

صعد أكثر من نصف ميل إلى طرف جدا من برج خليفة في دبي،أعلى مبنى من صنع الإنسان في العالم،

لالتقاط مناظر خلابة من أعلى.

'The unusual vantage point': Mr McNally, who has 26 years' experience as a photographer for National Geographic, spent three years in correspondence with the building's administrator to arrange the shoot

Daredevils: Pictured is Johnny, one of the two maintenance workers who took Mr McNally to the top

Head spinning: The view from Mr McNally's helmet-mounted camera over the side of the building's top

Rather him than me: A worker helps the photographer to clamber out on to the side of the spike at the top

'A sense of humanity in the midst of this giant structure': Maintenance workers who do this climb every day


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