
لن تصدق عينيك ! فنان يجعل رسومات 3D مذهلة مع القلم والورق فقط

A snake can been seen moving in and out of a piece of paper in one of Ramon Bruin's incredible 3D drawings

By adding his fingers into the drawings Bruin's illustrations come to life

Peek-a-boo! Some of Bruin's playful drawings will have you rubbing your eyes in disbelief

The technique, created by Bruin, is something he calls 'anamorphic illustrations'

A clever use of a prop, like here with a candle, really helps to bring life to a static drawing

Bruin's technique stems from airbrushing, a skill he has been working at for 10 years

The Dutch illustrator often uses animals in his pieces

From creeping insects to sprawling structures, Bruin draws impressive cartoons that seem to jump right off the paper


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